New Year Special
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How did chiropractic care impact my life?

Before I was 22, I had no idea a Chiropractor existed, let alone how they could help me in so many ways. I started my working life at 18 in the finance sector, working long hours and in all honesty I hated most of my time there. I had constant exposure to technology and social media, I was sitting for long stretches of time at a desk and I will admit that I consumed a lot of sugar and alcohol to release all of that stress and tension. All of that mixed together left me feeling drained and foggy and not much use to anyone. It left me wondering if this was the vicious cycle that my body would have to endure for the rest of my working life.

About 4 years ago, through a series of events led me to meet my first Chiropractor and now close friend, Tom Faulkner. Tom was in the process of setting up Human Health and had invited me to come in for a consultation and examination as I had been complaining about brain fog, extreme lethargy and digestive issues. I was a little hesitant because this all felt so new to me but I decided to trust my instinct and booked to see Tom. After the consultation and exam, Tom led me through the practice to one of the benches for my first adjustment. The feeling I had almost instantly after I was adjusted felt like an out of body experience. –  I suddenly felt like I was being reset and switched back on. This sounded crazy to a lot of my friends and family but to me this was the start of my journey with chiropractic care being a huge part of my health. Whilst I continued to work in finance for another 18 months, I would come in regularly for adjustments to clear the long term issues that had been affecting my body and my nervous system. Overtime I began to feel a lot clearer in myself and this helped me to decide to leave the finance sector when I felt it was time.

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Whilst under regular care I was fully invested and knew that it was never going to be a quick fix. I knew how important it was to look after my body especially whilst I was young and fit. I made sure to prioritise my health and would come in every month at least for a check up. I would chat with Tom about my sleep patterns, my relationships, how my physical training was going and any other health issues I wanted advice on. I soon realised that although I didn’t experience any illness or pain which people believe is the main reason why you should see a chiropractor, I was becoming a healthier version of me and noticed changes in my overall wellbeing.

I began to feel less stressed when I was working. Headaches and the brain fog I would experience seemed to fade away over time. It was as if my body was improving and information was travelling quicker and smarter to where it needed to go to.

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I have two messages for the community. For the millennial and younger generation, your health is so important and you should invest in it from a very young age. I have found that Chiropractic has given me so many positive advantages in my health that I can now carry this with me throughout the rest of my life. You don’t have to be physically in pain to see one, there are a huge range of benefits to go and see one and investing in your health now will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

For the older generations, I would say please don’t wait for something to go wrong. We all experience large amounts of stress in our daily lives, whether that’s physical, emotional or chemical. Overtime this will build up until one day your body decides enough is enough. Proactive care will allow you to keep doing the things you enjoy and keep you staying well for longer.

Since my first adjustment, I have gone on to make huge changes to my life that included leaving my old job in finance and have since created a beautiful career in Chiropractic and watched how it is helping many people of all ages heal and live a high quality of life on a daily basis. I am truly grateful for that first meeting with Tom as it has changed my life for the better.

    01534 747833


    We are open Monday to Friday. Appointments are available between 7am - 7pm

    Human Health St. Peter

    1st floor, Co-op Grand Marché St Peter,
    Rue de l’Eglise, St Peter, JE3 7AG Jersey

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    Human Health Chiropractic St. Helier

    16 Charing Cross, St Helier JE2 3RP, Jersey

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