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How to reduce stress levels with these easy tips!

Switch off your stress response

Most of us are very familiar with what stress feels like.

When you are stressed your stress system (sympathetic nervous system) is working hard to perfectly orchestrate a stress response inside your body.

When your stress goes away, your parasympathetic nervous system starts cooling down that stress response and prepares you for a state of ease.

Both systems are important and should balance each other out nicely, but unfortunately with modern-day living and a high rise in stress, most of us are constantly stuck in our sympathetic nervous system.

Do you feel jittery? Have indigestion? Feel tired but awake? Chances are, you are stuck in your sympathetic nervous system.

The most important things our parasympathetic nervous system controls are sleeping, digesting, sexual function, recovery and healing.

You cannot heal if you are stuck in a stress response. As discussed before, modern-day living promotes sympathetic overdrive but seems to neglect the parasympathetic self-love that we want and need. Here are some of our favourite ways to remind your body it is okay to relax.

Here are our a few tips from our team of Jersey Chiropractors:

Take a few breaths 

Learn to breathe properly and with proper breathing techniques

Take a deep breath in and notice which parts of your body moved…. If your chest moved up and down instead of your belly moving in and out, then you are chest breathing (stress breathing) instead of belly breathing (rest breathing)

Stretch your body 

You don’t have to be super bendy to stretch. Pick 3 stretches that you enjoy or that feel good for your body and hold each one for 1 minute. Breathe. It only takes 3 minutes of your day so you can definitely find time for that.

Get out into nature 

It is hard to ignore the calm and peace that exists in nature. Take a long relaxing walk and take in all that is around you, maybe even leave your phone in the car.

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment. You don’t have to do a mindfulness course to close your eyes and focus on how your clothes feel on your skin… something you have probably never zoned in on.

Take a look online at a product called Muse, it really lets you start with no experience, and you learn along the way. The live feedback clearly indicates your brain function if it’s overactive and is great as you start to improve and learn how to reduce stress levels.


    01534 747833


    We are open Monday to Friday. Appointments are available between 7am - 7pm

    Human Health St. Peter

    1st floor, Co-op Grand Marché St Peter,
    Rue de l’Eglise, St Peter, JE3 7AG Jersey

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    Human Health Chiropractic St. Helier

    16 Charing Cross, St Helier JE2 3RP, Jersey

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