New Year Special
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Is your baby struggling with colic?

Are you a new mum with a baby struggling with colic symptoms?

Even if they haven’t been diagnosed with colic, do they display any of the following:

  • Violent crying throughout the day?
  • Reflux after breastfeeding?
  • Difficulty feeding and latching?

Firstly we want you to know that it’s not your fault. Sometimes newborns need time to adjust to this new world.

With babies we focus on assessing for any interferences that are stopping the body from working as well as it should. Interferences in an infants spine and cranium can cause difficulty in latching, which can change their ability to feed fully and comfortably.

Our professional and highly trained team understand the birthing process can be traumatic for both mum and baby. A number of babies undergo significant physical stress and dysfunction that affects their nervous system.

At Human Health we offer a thorough and detailed assessment to check your baby for any interferences or problems that may not have already been detected. Our chiropractors can gently, safely remove these interferences and improve the way the babies body is functioning. We know this is really important in the initial stages of life to sort things out before the baby develops.

We can look at and assess breastfeeding technique to see how well you and your baby are feeding well together, if there are any issues latching or if there is any discomfort. We can teach and assist with this to improve it and we have great results with this.

If you would like to book yourself or your baby (or both) to see one of our chiropractors, please contact us today on 01534 747833.

Alternatively, email us at hi@humanhealth.je

We would love to meet you and look forward to helping you in any way we can.

    01534 747833


    We are open Monday to Friday. Appointments are available between 7am - 7pm

    Human Health St. Peter

    1st floor, Co-op Grand Marché St Peter,
    Rue de l’Eglise, St Peter, JE3 7AG Jersey

    Open in Google Maps

    Human Health Chiropractic St. Helier

    16 Charing Cross, St Helier JE2 3RP, Jersey

    Open in Google Maps

    We are registered with the United Chiropractic Association

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